A couple of days ago I was talking with a good friend and he mentioned something I've also thought a few times. When analysing works many critics especulate on their intentions. They look for hidden messages, morals, symbolic elements... As they observe very carefully every single detail of a piece of work, they think there must be more than meets the eye. They might not do it with works aimed at being blockbusters (especially in cinema and music) but you know what I mean.
It doesn't take much time into the creative world to realise how wrong they can be.
You are watching a movie and -I used the same example on the conversation- and you happen to see a poster hanging on a wall. It's likely that some critics -and university professors, too- might state that the poster symbolises... say, life's dynamism. Everything comes and goes just like you take posters out either to leave the wall as it originally was or to change it for other posters. Well, it could just be an aesthetic choice: the director liked the poster. Or it could be that they shot the scene at someone's place and the poster happened to be there. But it's fairly easy to find things if you focus on looking for them.
The message of all these being: we tend to take everything too seriously and to consider things that don't mean absolutely anything to be very important. Sometimes art it's just art and not every detail has been carefully thought of. Sometimes it just happens. And although sometimes it's true, it's also good to remember that -sorry, meme- not everything happens for a reason. We also have our share of meaningless things we have to put up with instead of trying to rationalise them. And I believe this also applies to the greater picture: life.
Fa un parell de dies parlava amb un bon amic i va dir una cosa que també he pensat alguns cops. Quan analitzen obres, molts crítics especulen amb les seves intencions. Busquen missatges ocults, moralines, elements simbòlics... Com que observen molt atentament cada detall d'una peça, pensen que hi ha d'haver alguna cosa més que el que es veu a simple vista. Potser no ho fan amb obres creades per ser èxits rotunds (especialment en cinema i música) però ja veieu per on vaig.
No cal passar gaire temps al món creatiu per adonar-te de com en poden estar, d'equivocats.
Estàs mirant una pel·lícula i -vaig fer servir el mateix exemple a la conversa- veus que hi ha un pòster penjat a una paret. És probable que alguns crítics -i també professors universitaris- proclamin que el pòster simbolitza... jo què sé, el dinamisme de la vida. Tot va i ve tal com tu treus un pòster de la paret per deixar la paret lliure o per posar-ne de nous. Bé, doncs podria ser només una tria estètica: al director li agradava el pòster. O podria ser que rodessin l'escena a casa d'algú i el pòster ja hi era. Però és molt fàcil trobar coses si et concentres a buscar-les.
El missatge de tot això és: tendim a prendre'ns-ho tot massa seriosament i fem que coses que no signifiquen absolutament res ens semblin molt importants. De vegades l'art només és art i cada detall no ha estat meticulosament estudiat. A vegades, simplement, passa. I tot i que de vegades és cert, és bo recordar que -ho sento, meme- no tot passa per algun motiu. També tenim uns quantes coses sense cap raó que hem de suportar en comptes d'intentar racionalitzar-les. I crec que això també s'aplica en un context més ampli: a la vida.
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