These past weeks I've been busy and I haven't posted anything. I had things to write about, though, and now something have made most of my activity to halt. A fire in my building has left my home -and especially my room- covered in ashes and soot, so I have some time to sit in the kitchen and write about what I've been doing lately.
First of all, after my last post I quickly found an illustrator for Wildlife via a friend. I've seen some of the work she's doing for the fables and it looks great. I have to do research on online and paper publishing to make the best of the final product. Any suggestions or pieces of advice will be welcomed.
Also, a month ago I started working as a writer in a TV late night show called Night Clap. The show combines interviews and sections about different topics such as cinema, video games, news... with a scally tone that intends to attract those watching TV at such late hours (02:00 - 03:30). During its first month, Night Clap has been broadcasted statewide by TV Nacional A but it'll now switch to Ver-T, a group of local stations owned by Atresmedia that covers "only" Madrid, Valencia parts of Andalusia but has better audience rates, especially considering that its time slot will also switch to prime time. My job consists in editing the show's scripts, overseeing them so everything works well and, from time to time, writing some of the co-hosts'
scripts and video reports.
Well, they've just told us they'll have to carefully clean the whole flat (eg. book by book), clean the heating/AC vents and quite probably also paint the walls and ceilings. What a disaster... Anyway, I'm also struggling to finish turning The Company into a comic book. The work was somewhat easy during most of the process but I've been stuck near the end for a while. I don't know exactly why but it seems to be much harder to adapt than the rest of the script.
I've got a few other projects to work in... but with all this, the mess at home and the Christmas family meals I'll have to make the most of my time or I'll end up leaving most of them aside until next year. Hope I won't. Speaking about which... I'm into something that could be great, but I'll tell you about it once it's sure (if it ever is).
Aquestes últimes setmanes he estat ocupat i no he penjat res. Tenia coses de què escriure, però, i ara una cosa ha fet que la meva activitat s'aturés. Un incendi al meu edifici ha deixat casa meva -i especialment la meva habitació- coberta de cendra i sutge, o sigui que tinc una mica de temps per seure a la cuina i escriure sobre el que he estat fent darrerament.
Primer de tot, després del meu darrer post vaig trobar ràpidament una il·lustradora per Vida Salvatge a través d'un amic. He vist algunes de les coses que està fent per les faules i tenen molta bona pinta. He de fer una mics de recerca sobre publicació online i en paper per fer el millor producte final possible. Qualsevol recomanació o consell serà benvingut.
Bé, ens acaben de dir que hauran de netejar amb cura tot el pis (llibre per llibre, etc), netejar els conductes de la calefacció/aire condicionat i segurament també pintar les parets i el sostre. Quin desastre... Bé, com deia, també estic patint una mica per acabar de convertir The Company en un còmic. La feina va ser relativament fàcil durant la major part del procés però m'he quedat encallat gairebé al final durant bastant temps. No sé exactament per què però sembla molt més difícil d'adaptar que la resta del guió.
Tinc alguns altres projectes en què treballar... però amb tot això, el merder a casa i els àpats familiars de Nadal hauré d'aprofitar el temps al màxim o acabaré deixant-los de banda fins l'any que ve. Espero no fer-ho. Parlant d'això... m'he ficat en una cosa que podria ser genial, però ja us en parlaré quan sigui segura (si ho és).